Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sincere Prayers...

So, lately Carla has started to say "real" prayers. She has been asking for what she really wants and needs, and being grateful for real things. She just makes my heart melt. Some the the things that she has included in her prayers are as follows:

Please mommy so Carla Winnie Pooh poop
Translation: Please let mommy let me watch Winnie the Pooh
Bless Daddy homework
Translation: Bless Daddy at school and at work whichever one he is at
Thank you toes
Translation: Thank you for my toes
Please Singa mimis, mommy mimis, daddy mimis, Carla mimis
Translation: Please bless each one of us that we can go to sleep (mimis)
Please Bita and Wito come here
Translation: Please let Grandma and Grandpa Barrientos come see me

These are some of her please and thank yous. Goodness she is smart! It also got me to thinking. She really prays for what she wants, even though she is so young, she understands that Heavenly Father is listening to her and cares about the simple things. Do I have that kind of faith? Do I pray for the small things that concern me, or just for those life altering decisions that need to be made? Carla tells Heavenly Father EVERYTHING she does during the day, that we went outside to play, that she had eggs for breakfast, that she played with her toys, why don't I? She has such a sweet, innocent, and sincere relationship with her Father in Heaven. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to see why the Lord said to become like a little child. Their relationship with Father is sincere and simple. Something I need to work on. Thank you for your wonderful example mi hija!

1 comment:

  1. That is so amazing! She is so sweet, I hope I can become more like that with my prayers and creating a better relationship with Heavenly Father.
