Friday, February 6, 2009

Carla's Doctor Visit...

On Friday I took Carlita to the Dr. Nuttal because I thought that she was starting to get the beginnings of RSV. She was having a hard time breathing, you could tell that there was mucus in her throat, and she wasn't eating very much at a time. I was starting to get nervous and called the doctor. He told me to bring her in immediately because he wanted to make sure it was nothing serious. Luckily she was okay. She does have dry mucus, but it isn't too serious. She has to sleep more upright, and we have to watch her closely to make sure that it doesn't get any worse. I hope and pray that she'll recover her health soon. I don't like to see her so sad and uncomfortable. Poor baby!

1 comment:

  1. She is a tough baby, a little fighter. But also she has the best medicine ever :) Breastmilk.
