Thursday, May 14, 2009

Early Anniversary! THE BIG T W O!!

With so many things going on right now in our lives, we decided that we won't be able to celebrate our anniversary on the 26th of May this year. We ended up celebrating on Tuesday the 12th. Carla had just fallen asleep and we got the news that Zach wasn't going in for work. We were very frustrated and Zach decided to go to the Temple. I wanted so badly to go, but couldn't because of Carla. I called Beth to ask about who in the ward wouldn't mind babysitting a sick baby for a couple of hours on short notice so we could go to the Temple together. She reminded me that I have amazing visiting teachers and that they would love to provide service for me. I called up Pat Childs and she gladly accepted and was over within ten minutes! We quickly left and were able to go to the 4:40pm session. If was such an amazing experience! We hadn't been to a session since a week before Carla was born, so it was very much needed. I felt peace about our financial situation and loved. I also felt that I need to be better. I need to read my scriptures more often and ponder on them more. I loved being in the Celestial Room with my beloved husband. Being with him there is so comforting.
Then we rushed home because it was time for Carla to eat and when we got there, much to our surprise, she was still asleep! When she awoke, I fed her and we decided to go out on our anniversary dinner. We went to Winger's, only because we had a $20 gift card from Alan and Melissa. We had loads of fun. We ate and drank limeades, and laughed; especially when we gave Carlita lemon! We even stayed under the $20! It was a perfect day, the morning in the Lord's house, and the evening laughing.
I love my husband so much! Zach baby, you are the love of my life. I don't know how I would live each day to it's fullest without you. When you are with me you make me want to be so much better, you make me want to be that "perfect wife" that you see. I know that we will be together for time and all eternity, and somehow it doesn't seem long enough. When we were engaged you promised to make me laugh every day of my life, and you have kept that promise. I am so blessed to have you as my companion, and my friend. Even when times are difficult, I know that your shoulder is always there for me to cry on, your arms are there to hold me and give me comfort. I love you sweetheart, you are my greatest friend, you complete me!

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