Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mother of 2??

No, I'm not pregnant, but we are trying. I recieved a phone call from Rachel Moody, this morning at about 9am asking me if I would mind watching Bella for a few hours in the morning. She had a ROUGH night and they weren't able to sleep at all. I enthusiastically agreed and walked over to pick her up. I just loved watching her, and since she was only 4 days old, just slept most of the time. Carla was intriged by her. I was loving having another baby in the house. Sadly three and a half hours later I walked her back home. It was so much fun and I hope to be able to watch her again soon. Although I'm not pregnant yet, we hope that I will be soon. We want our first two babies close together and then a little space for the next one, and then babies 3 and 4 close also. But whenever Father sends them is fine with us. It was a miracle that I was able to have Carla, so we don't want to postpone having children because we want to "wait." We are anxious and willing to bring more of Father's children here to earth.


  1. Wow!!! Two in the house under 8 months and you handled it perfectly. You sure are a great mother. I had no idea how much Carla has grown since she was born. She was smaller than this little one, crazy huh. Alot changes in 7 and a half months.

  2. That's so true. a lot does change in 7 1/2 months. Carla is so much bigger.

  3. Can I just thank you for your perspective on this. So many people "wait until we're done with school" or "want a couple years just the two of us until we'll get pregnant." It's never a "mistake" and should never be a bother or drudgery to be pregnant with a perfect child. Too often people don't realize what a true miracle it is to bring a healthy child in the world. It's certainly NOT on our time and I appreciate you recognizing what a miracle it is and that it's TOTALLY on our Heavenly Father's time. For people like me, that perspective is SO refreshing. Thank you Teresa.
